Monday, August 28, 2006


This is the Stingray Touch Tank at the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth. There are four female Stingrays in this tank. The lone male was moved to the Pirhana tank because he was nipping at the females. Their stingers have been removed so it is quite safe to touch them. Their 'skin' feels like sandpaper, not at all slimy.


PunkStar Studios said...

At the Long Islan Aquariam (just south of L.A.) there's a huge sting ray / batray betting tank. There are dozens and dozens of them in there and they all come up to the sides (coming half way out of the water) just to get patted.
Pretty amazing place. (I was there a few years ago).

Debby Harasen said...

yeah, it's cool alright