Sunday, May 07, 2006

Country Entertainment

Well, first my nephew got his truck stuck in the ditch...guys think they can drive through anything.

Here comes the audience to see what all the excitement is.

And here comes the rescuer.

Uh oh, what do you do when the rescuer gets stuck too?

We bring in the John Deere (1010) of course. (Nothing runs like a deere.)

We use the 1010 to pull the truck out.

And then, we just push the skidder out of the ditch with the 1010.
None of this would have happened if he'd just asked a woman for directions in the first place.


PunkStar Studios said...

That's pretty hysterical.
So did every vehicle get stuck at one point?

Debby Harasen said...

The 1010 never got stuck.